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Object Oriented Development

Overview: About thirty years ago, two computer scientists at the Norwegian Computing Institute came up with a new way of doing simulations. Describing systems (like highways and airports) in terms of entities they called "objects" (like vehicles and passengers), their simulations accounted for interactions among these objects. To put their ideas into the computer, the language Simula was developed. Working with Simula over the next several years, they noticed that objects with similar characteristics could be grouped into classes, and that classes could have subclasses. Modifications of Simula incorporated these notions. Kristen Nygaard and Old-Johan Dahl's work eventually set the stage for Object Oriented Programming (OOP), a way of thinking that has pervaded the software world. A decade ago, computing theoreticians were enamored of its modeling concepts, but programs designed in the object oriented fashion took far too much time to run. Since then, hardware has advanced and object oriented program performance has improved significantly. Today, many believe that OOP is one of the best ways to design databases, expert systems, graphic user interfaces, and a wide variety of other applications.

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Object Oriented Development Information on the Internet
LookSmart - Object Oriented Programming and Software Engineering Resources on object oriented programming.
Yahoo - Object Oriented Development Programming Language Yahoo index of Object Oriented Development information. 
Gopalan Suresh Raj's Web Cornucopia A resource for everything COM and related technologies. 

Sponsors of PC AI - Object Oriented Development Vendors
Developer of ANSI-standard CLOS programming tools which include: Allegro Common LISP, Allegro Common LISP for Windows, CLIM 2.0, and Lucid to Allegro conversion tools. (info@franz.com) 
Corporate information, press releases, product descriptions. 
info@gensym.com; service@gensym.com; (info@gensym.co)
Megaputer offers a well-documented API library for the development of vertical applications based on automated machine learning algorithms of the PolyAnalyst data mining suite. Inquire for details.
Production Systems Technology Their OPSJ is a Java-based tool for constructing business rule servers and intelligent agents. Flexible, open, portable.
Phone: (412)683-4000, Fax: (412)683-6347, Email: info@pst.com 
EXSYS software tools are used for building probabilistic, knowledge-based expert systems that use expertise to assist people in decision-making, in performing a wide variety of functions. (info@exsys.com) 
Product descriptions and information on services. (info@rulemachines.com) 
Product information and literature. Specializing in automated reasoning and machine learning technologies. Emphasis is on products for programming as opposed to programming services or applications products. 

Other Object Oriented Development Vendors
American Heuristics AHC is an advanced software technology consulting and training company with extensive experience in data mining, complex decision systems, and OOPS. 
Berard Software Engineering  info@bse.com 
CECASE - University of Kansas LISP-based language allows development of Case based reasoning applications. 
Cincom Smalltalk Contains information about their products, services, support. 
Code Farms Inc  jiri@debra.dgbt.doc.ca 
Computer Innovations  sales@starpower.com 
Cognisys Consultants  cognisys@immedia.ca 
Digitool Inc  Macintosh Common LISP, FAQ, press releases, and more 
Expert Reasoning Systems, Inc. Information about Expert Reasoning Systems and their flagship product, StarCASE, as well as related information on expert systems, knowledge representation, and object-oriented software development. 
Contains information about their products, services, support, as well as their latest press information. 
Gold Hill Inc Product information, service and support contracts. 
Experienced in symbolic processing, electronic publishing. Information includes product and service information, applications, and more. (resources-us@software.globalgraphics.com)
I-Kinetics A component software development and consulting company. 
Knowledge Garden Object Oriented multimedia and expert systems development tools for DOS, Windows, Win 95, and Windows NT. (info@kgarden.com) 
Knowledge Technologies International Specializes in software development using blackboard technology. 
Trinc-Prolog Development tool that supports the complete ISO Prolog standard, DCG Grammar notation, Object Orientation, GUI and ODBC development. (info@trinc-prolog.com)

Dynamic Search Engine References
Search the web for "object oriented development" references using:
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Article References
Object-Oriented Programming With C++  Flamig, B. (1987) PC AI, 1(1), 18. 
Object-Oriented Programming Universe  Shafer, D. (1987) PC AI, 1(1), 28. 
Simulation With OOP  Peterson, W. (1987) PC AI, 1(1), 33. 
OOP In The Real World: A "White Paper"  Borland International (1989) PC AI, 3(5), 37. 
Implementing OOP  Gabriel, R. (1989) PC AI, 3(5), 40. 
OOP By The Pictures  Shafer, D. (1990) PC AI, 4(5), 22. 
Train PAS  Shoemaker, S. (1990) PC AI, 4(5), 28. 
OOP + Expert Systesm + GUI  Bollay, D. (1991) PC AI, 5(5), 51. 
Plus For C++  Keyes, J. (1992) PC AI, 6(2), 18. 
Object Lesson For Suny  Keyes, J. (1992) PC AI, 6(2), 44. 
Objects In The Air: Object Oriented Engineering Takes Off  De Salvo, D. (1993) PC AI, 7(3), 18. 
Object Oratory  Williams, J. (1993) PC AI, 7(3) 22. 
Objects In A GUI  Gunter, D. (1993) PC AI, 7(3), 33. 
Objects In The Shell Game: Kappa PC Schmuller, J. (1993) PC AI, 7(4), 37. 
Objects In The Shell Game: Nexpert Object 3.0  Schmuller, J. (1994) PC AI, 8(2) , 16. 
Objects And Logic  Merritt, D. (1995) PC AI, 9(3) , 16. 
Refueling A Nuclear Reactor  Chung, A., Goushleff, D., Ho, D., and Lopez, A (1995) PC AI, 9(3) , 22. 
Objects in Business: Thinking in Objects  Huchzermeier, J. (1996) PC AI, 10(2) , 16. 
Objects and the Environment: Site Remediation  Creswick, M. (1996) PC AI, 10(2) , 40. 
Objects in Business: System Development  Huchzermeier, J. (1996) PC AI, 10(4) , 28. 
Business Rules for the Object Model  Chauvet, J., and Lundberg, A.J. (1997) PC AI, 11(1) , 23. 
The Object of Workflow  Rasmus, D. (1997) PC AI, 11(2) , 16. 
Objects and the Web: CORBA Meets HTTP  Chauvet, J. (1997) PC AI, 11(2) , 24. 
The Adoption of OT  Harmon, P. (1998) PC AI, 12(2) , 28. 
Intentional Objects in Business and Manufacturing  Sherry, L. (1998) PC AI, 12(2) , 39. 
Using Microsoft VB and DCOM for AI Applications Ono, K. (1999) PC AI, 13(2), 20
CLOS - A Perspective Barber, R. (1999) PC AI, 13(2), 33
Agile Business Rule Processing Haley, P. (1999) PC AI, 13(2), 35
What's the Object? Bringing Object Oriented Machine Intelligence to Web-Hosted Applications Cox, E. (2000) PC AI, 14(2), 16

Book References
Object-Oriented Programming Featuring Actor  Franz, M. Scott, Foresman Publishing, pps. 370. 
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Object-Oriented Technology: A Manager's Guide  Taylor, D.A. Servio, pps. 156. 
Object-Oriented Software  Winblad, Edwards, and King Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc, pps. 291. 
Object Oriented Programming, an Evolutionary Approach  Cox, B. (1986) Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 
The C++ Programming Language  Stroustrup, B. (1986) Addison-Wesley 
Object-Oriented Software Construction  Meyer, B. (1988) Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 
Object Orientation: Concepts, Languages, Databases, User Interfaces  Khoshafian, Setrag, and Abnous, R. (1989) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, pps. 433. ISBN: 0-471-51801-8. 
Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications  Kim, W. and Lochovsky, F.H. (Eds) (1989) New York, NY: ACM Press, pps. 602. ISBN: 0-201-14410-7. 
Object-Oriented Programming for Artificial Intelligence: A Guide to Tools and System Design  Tello, E.R. (1989) Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc, pps. 335. ISBN: 0-201-09228-X. 
The Annotated C++ Reference Manual  Ellis, M. and Stroustrup, B. (1990) Addison-Wesley 
Applications of Object-Oriented Programming  Pinson, L.J. and Wiener, R.S. (Eds) (1990) Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, pps. 212. ISBN: 0-201-50369-7. 
Object-Oriented Programming with Smalltalk/V  Savic, D. (1990) West Sussex, England: Ellis Horwood Limited, pps. 340. ISBN: 0-13-040692-9. 
Teach Yourself . . . C++  Stevens, A. (1990) MIS Press 
C++ Primer, 2nd Edition  Lippman, S. (1991) Addison-Wesley 
The Perception of Multiple Objects: A Connectionist Approach  Mozer, M.C. (1991) Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, pps. 217. ISBN: 0-262-13270-2. 
Developing C++ Software  Winder, R. (1991) John Wiley and Sons 
Fast Learning and Invariant Object Recognition  Soucek, B. (Ed) (1992) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, pps. 279. ISBN: 0-471-57430-9. 
Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis and Logical Design: A Software Engineering Approach  Firesmith, D.G. (1993) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, pps. 575. ISBN: 0-471-57806-1. 
Practical Application of Object-Oriented Techniques to Relational Databases  Burleson, D.K. (1994) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc, pps. 250. ISBN: 0-471-61225-1. 
Object-Oriented Development: Building CASE Tools with C++  Brumbaugh, D.E. (1994) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc, pps. 518. ISBN: 0-471-58371-5. 
Object Orientation: Technology, Techniques, Management, and Migration  Hares, J.S. and Smart, J.D. (1994) Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pps. 340. ISBN: 0-471-94124-7. 
Object-Oriented Type Systems  Palsberg, J. and Schwartzbach, M.I. (1994) Chinchester, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, pps. 180. ISBN: 0-471-94128-X. 
Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling  Selic, B., Gullekson, G., and Ward, P.T. (1994) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, pps. 525. ISBN: 0-471-59917-4. 
Business Objects: Software Solutions  Spurr, K., Layzell, P., Jennison, L., and Richards, N. (Eds) (1994) West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, pps. 233. ISBN: 0-471-95187-0. 
Object Engineering: Designing Large-Scale Object-Oriented Systems  Sullo, G. (1994) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, pps. 325. ISBN: 0-471-62369-5. 
Application Development Using ObjectView  Vicinanza, S.S. and Arasmith, D.M. (1994) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, pps. 278. ISBN: 0-471-04772-4. 
Business Engineering with Object Technology  Taylor, D. (1995) New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc, pps. 188, ISBN: 0-471-04521-7. 
Object-Oriented Software Development in Java: Principles, Patterns, and Frameworks Jia, X. (1999) Addison Wesley Pub Co, pps. 550. ISBN 020135084X
Principles of Object-Oriented Software Development (with CD-ROM) Eliens, A. (2000) Addison Wesley Pub Co, pps. 502. ISBN 0201398567
Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd Edition Meyer, B. (2000) Prentice Hall, pps. 1296. ISBN 0136291554
Advances in Object-Oriented Data Modeling (Cooperative Information Systems) Papazoglou, M. (ed), et. al. (2000) MIT Press, pps. 393. ISBN 0262161893

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